May The Fourth Be With You

Today is Star Wars day. Today, you can justify bingeing the most epic series ever made, all ten movies of it, in chronological order, all in one day. Well, we would justify it otherwise too!
Even though this day was chosen purely for the most brilliant word play- hello “May the Force (fourth) be with you”, Star Wars fans like us and even you across the globe look at this day for celebrating this amazing franchise. While we’re sure you’re busy binge watching the entire list of these movies, we thought this would be a perfect time to bring you seven other sci-fi favorites of ours.
So once you’re finished with Luke Skywalker and his adventures, you can move onto these brilliant and classic sci-fi cult favorites.

The Star Trek Series
We know, we know - this is a TV series. But we cannot fail to mention this - Spock fans raise your hands! The series is not only gripping, but has a wonderful surprise in the form of 3 movies that were made recently continuing its legacy.
Where to watch: Netflix

Blade Runner
Apart from having a dreamy, young Harrison Ford as the lead actor, this movie is a perfect blend of everything sci-fi with a brilliant background score.
Where to watch: YouTube Movies, Google Play

The Matrix
This movie showed a new front to sci-fi movies in Hollywood, and we are in love with the entire series. The movie has Artificial intelligence, action, drama and the right amount of suspense to be any sci-fi lover's dream.
Where to watch: YouTube Movies, Google Play

Probably one of the most awarded sci-fi movies of the 2000’s, this movie changed the game for sci-fi and special effects. It transferred us all into a whole new world, while watching the movie, and now enjoys a huge fan following. Rightfully so.
Where to watch: Disney+ Hotstar

The Martian
Our favorite “Man goes to Mars” movie. A survival movie with a kickass rescue mission, this has all that you need to keep you on the edge of your seat. Starring Matt Damon, this movie won both the actor and the story a ton of awards.
Where to watch: Disney+ Hotstar

The Avengers Series
After the Star Wars series, this is probably the most Iconic movie franchise the last two decades have witnessed. While The Avengers on its own is only four movies, the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is connected to each other so brilliantly, that there are a total of over 20 movies that are sure to keep you gripped.
Where to watch: Disney+ Hotstar

E.T. - the Extra Terrestrial
Considered a classic, not just in sci-fi, but across genres, ET is a movie we can get behind. We love the absolute innocence of the movie, and the beautiful storyline. A must watch to complete your sci-fi binge.
Where to watch: YouTube Movies, Google Play

Star Wars has, and will always have a special place in our hearts. But we love these other movies, and we’re sure you will too!
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