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The #BloodSisters Oath

“You’re a girl. How can you not like pink?”, “Have you seen that woman comedian?”, “Oh, she’s so emotional, must be the time of her month!” No, women don’t have to like pink. They’re comedians - don’t need that prefix. They will be emotional whenever they like.  

We’re tired of being stereotyped. We’re more than pink tracksuits, pillow fights during sleepovers (though they’re pretty fun) and we definitely don’t bleed blue like period commercials show. We’ve lived all our lives as the circular peg who are being fit into square boxes. That stops now. It’s time for us to shine - our truest, rawest us - and we’re going to do this with our #BloodSisters backing us. No more Women CEO’s, no more women doctors - we’re here to show that we’re just like anyone else and killing it at everything we do!

We exist to stand with women. We’re here in case you want to fall back on us. We’re here to lift you even higher in all your endeavours. We’re here if you’re just bored and want company to do nothing, together. We’re here to listen to your stories. All your stories. The time you peed your pants because you laughed too hard, the time when you secretly cried in the washroom because you were just not feeling the day. We’re always there for you. Because it’s time to stop holding back and just be a #BloodyGoodGirl!

We’re here for our #BloodSisters. The ones who have our backs when we need them the most. The ones who bring us ice cream when we’re upset. The ones who inspire us, all day and everyday. The crazy ones, the smart ones, the ones with the magical ‘have it all’ bags. The ones with us during breakups, the perfect wingwoman, the stranger turned best friend during a stain check, the emergency pad lenders. The ones who are there with us through thick and thin, every step of the way. The ones who are our #BloodSisters. 

It is time for us to acknowledge the presence of these women in our lives who have played a huge part in making us who we are, after all they are our #BloodSisters. We’d love to know your #BloodSisters story. An inspiring, fun or even emotional story? We’d love to know them all. Share a picture with your #BloodSisters and tell us your story. Tag @plushforher and #BloodSisters and we will feature our favorite one  on the Plush Blog and Instagram.

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